Conflicts between Laity and Clergy, Power and Social Relationships in the Kingdom of León. Critical Review

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Sergio Ariel Amor


This paper challenges the model elaborated by Patrick Geary for understanding conflict in medieval society, focusing our study on the Kingdom of León. Through the analysis of the conflicts between the Benedictine monastery of Sahagún and local laity during the 11th and 12th centuries, we will evaluate two ideas underlying that model: first, the conception of conflict as a mechanism for the regulation of social relationships; second, the ahistorical nature of disputes, uncoupled from the processes of social change in which they take place.


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Amor, S. A. (2016). Conflicts between Laity and Clergy, Power and Social Relationships in the Kingdom of León. Critical Review. Sociedades Precapitalistas, 5(2), e008. Retrieved from


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